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A multilingual health blog with built in webshop & KBC Payment Button

Jegezondheid.be / Tasante.be

Client: Hospidex

We helped with: Webdesign, Webdevelopment

The client

Hospidex, based in Tienen (Belgium), provides care solutions in specific domains in the healthcare sector. The solutions are intended for end users in the home environment as well as for professionals in hospitals, nursing homes, medical shops and pharmacies.

The project

Hospidex is a vendor for many products and brands in the healthcare sector. One of those brands is OMRON. To increase awareness for OMRON products Hospidex was looking to create a website that answered many health questions OMRON clients could have. Questions ranging from how to take care of the respiratory systems, how to properly measure blood pressure and how to alleviate pain. While also offering a select range of products for sale with an on-site checkout process using KBC Payment Button.

Just like any other professional website in Belgium, one language wasn’t enough. The website would have to be translated to both Dutch and French. Each language with their own domain name (jegezondheid.be and tasante.be) yet still manageable from one dashboard.